What is ‘Natural’?

By: Dr Robert Verkerk, Executive and Scientific Director of ANH-Intl Those of us who are passionate about all things natural, whether it’s the food we put in or on our bodies, or the air we breathe, should probably carefully think about what what we mean by ‘natural’. This is particularly important now that  technological processes […]

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Drug Company Petition to Gag Weight Loss Supplement Producers

Drug Company Petition to Gag Weight Loss Supplement Producers

Drug Company Petition To Gag Weight Loss Supplement Producers ****** Action Alerts For this Campaign ****** Don’t Let the FDA Ban Weight Loss Supplements! Following the withdrawal last week of a leading weight loss drug, the battle between natural approaches to weight loss and the drug companies is likely to intensify. Just because the FDA […]

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No To More And More Drugs For Children At Younger And Younger Ages

No To More And More Drugs For Children At Younger And Younger Ages

No To More And More Drugs For Children At Younger And Younger Ages ******** Action Alerts for This Campaign ******** Tell Congress to stop letting drug companies extend patents by testing drugs on children! Take Action We are raising a generation of drugged children. They’re getting drugs for ADHD, for diabetes, for high blood pressure, […]

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State Medical Board Attacks On Integrative MD’s and DO’s

State Medical Board Attacks On Integrative MD’s and DO’s Integrative Practitioners Working Toward a Level Playing Field Integrative practitioners have had an uphill battle in protecting their right to practice medicine in a manner that assesses the whole patient—mind, body, lifestyle, and genetics. The right to exercise independent judgment in developing a course of treatment […]

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