Pharma Finding New Ways to Kill Us

Pharma Finding New Ways to Kill Us

It’s no longer just the side effects of their medicines. A new study found “excessively high” levels of antibiotic and antifungal drugs in water sources near a major drug production center in India where 50% of the country’s drug exports are produced and a fifth of the world’s generic drugs. Unsurprisingly, the researchers also found […]

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Will Big Food Control Nutrition “Science?”

Will Big Food Control Nutrition “Science?”

A new report details how Big Food appears to have captured yet another key nutrition group, the American Society of Nutrition. Action Alert! You may remember that a few weeks back we reported on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ (AND) ill-fated partnership with Kraft Foods. Kraft was permitted to place the AND’s “Kids Eat […]

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FDA Pretends to Lighten Burden on Compounding Pharmacies Even as it Tightens Its Stranglehold on Them

FDA Pretends to Lighten Burden on Compounding Pharmacies Even as it Tightens Its Stranglehold on Them

The government is playing games with patients’ lives. A new document shows just how arbitrary Pharma-inspired limitations on shipping compounded medications really are. Action Alert! The FDA is continuing to issue rules that implement the new compounding law passed by Congress in 2013, and this week the agency released a whole slew of documents—including the long-awaited draft […]

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