Big Pharma and the FDA: Suppress the Science, Ban the Natural Substances, Sell the Drugs!

In 2005, an up-and-coming pharmaceutical company made a big mistake: they invested millions of dollars into developing a drug only to discover that the only active ingredient of the drug, pyridoxamine, was really a common, naturally occurring substance that has been sold for decades at low cost to consumers in the form of a dietary […]

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FDA to Receive More Money from Drug Manufacturers, But Denies “Undue Influence”

The proposed budget of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is worrying the Democrats. They are concerned that FDA’s annual increases in industry user fees—$828 million from manufacturers of medical and food products, including hundreds of millions drug manufacturers pay annually to help speed the review of new medicines—might compromise the agency’s independence.

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Press Release: FDA’s Latest Threat to Dietary Supplements Defies the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act

FDA’s Latest Threat to Dietary Supplements Defies the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act For Immediate Release: U.S. Contact: Gretchen DuBeau, ph 800-230-2762 International Contact: Dr Robert Verkerk, ph +44-1306-646-600 November 25, 2008 FDA’S LATEST THREAT TO DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS DEFIES THE DIETARY SUPPLEMENT HEALTH AND EDUCATION ACT ACCORDING TO TWO LEADING HEALTH FREEDOM GROUPS Today, […]

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FDA Ignored Urgent Warnings

The Food and Drug Administration has disregarded government experts sounding the alarm about routine exposure to medical radiation, including the powerful CT scans used to screen for colon cancer. This is yet another example of why fundamental FDA reform remains so important.

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