Frankengreens are Coming

Frankengreens are Coming

How tinkering with plant genetics could lead to devastating human health and ecological consequences as genetic engineers eliminate plants’ ability to cry for help. Action Alert THE TOPLINE Are you OK with being treated like a lab rat? At ANH, we’re not! This month, a biotech start-up, Pairwise, is teaming up with Bayer to roll […]

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Ban PFAS – Media Materials

News Release PFAS “Forever Chemicals” in Supermarket Kale The consumer advocacy non-profit, Alliance for Natural Health USA, demonstrates failings of FDA monitoring of US food supply and seeks a federal ban on PFAS chemicals ATLANTA June 26, 2023 – The Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA) today released results of a pilot study finding PFAS […]

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Is It Red Light Therapy’s Time to Shine?

Is It Red Light Therapy’s Time to Shine?

A decades-old treatment is slowly gaining credibility as a difference-maker for people with certain medical conditions, particularly in the areas of skin care, wound recovery and joint pain. Noninvasive and widely considered safe, red light therapy promotes healing at a cellular level, leading scientists to explore its other potential healthcare applications. While costs may prove prohibitive for many, and […]

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FDA Just Fast-Tracked a Vaccine for Alzheimer’s

FDA Just Fast-Tracked a Vaccine for Alzheimer’s

From Joseph Mercola, DO STORY AT-A-GLANCE The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast-track designation to UB-311, a vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease made by biotechnology company Vaxxinity Aside from the potential problems that can arise when a vaccine is rushed to market, the vaccine may be problematic from the get-go because amyloid beta may […]

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Artificial Sweeteners Linked With a 13% Higher Risk of Cancer

Artificial Sweeteners Linked With a 13% Higher Risk of Cancer

From Medical News Today A large new observational study has found an association between the consumption of artificial sweeteners, particularly aspartame and acesulfame-K, and cancer. The study found a 13% higher risk of cancer in general, with the highest likelihood of developing breast cancer and cancers related to obesity, for people consuming large quantities of artificial sweeteners. The […]

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Stop Agency Abuse of Power

Stop Agency Abuse of Power

For too long, federal agencies like the FDA have shirked democratic responsibilities and ignored the law, allowing them to inject themselves into our lives without any accountability—it’s time for it to stop. Action Alert! We are increasingly subject to rules and decrees that are undemocratically (and perhaps illegally) issued from federal agencies like the Food […]

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