Tell FDA to Ban Arsenic in Animal Feed!

Tell FDA to Ban Arsenic in Animal Feed!

The chickens you buy at the grocery store are given feed with arsenic added to make them gain weight faster. Yes, arsenic—the deadly poison and carcinogen. A petition had been filed with the FDA to remove arsenic from animal feed and the FDA had until June 15th to respond. ANH-USA forwarded the thousands of comments our readers submitted in support of the arsenic ban to the FDA. Thank you all for taking action!

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Court Finds For ANH-USA In Stunning Victory Over FDA (Thank You Jonathan Emord!)

Court Finds For ANH-USA In Stunning Victory Over FDA (Thank You Jonathan Emord!)

This was a key federal case argued for ANH-USA and other plaintiffs by Jonathan Emord and the Emord law firm. It was a remarkable seventh victory for Emord over the FDA in the area of allowable health claims for food or supplements. Unless reversed on appeal, the decision restricts the Agency’s ability to place gag orders on the emerging science behind healthy foods and dietary supplements.

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Supplements In The Senate—Again!

Supplements In The Senate—Again!

The Senate Special Committee on Aging is chaired by Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI). The Committee may be about to take some potshots at supplements during a hearing scheduled for tomorrow, May 26. Everyone involved is being very hush-hush on what they’ll be discussing, but we have learned of several items on the agenda.

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Poisoned Produce

Poisoned Produce

How government agencies meant to protect the public are utterly failing to keep our food safe and contaminant-free. Action Alert! Listen to the audio version of this article: THE TOPLINE In our busy lives, it’s hard to always eat fresh, healthy foods. When we take the time to cook meals with lots of fruits and […]

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FDA Closes in on Your Supplements

FDA Closes in on Your Supplements

The agency recently made a big announcement about a regulation that could eliminate 41,700 products from the market. We need to keep up the pressure to protect access. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE A few weeks ago, we reported that 2024 could be the year the FDA finally publishes the final version of its natural product-destroying […]

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EPA Breaking the Law to Help Pesticide Companies

EPA Breaking the Law to Help Pesticide Companies

The agency is giving pesticide-coated seeds a pass as they poison local communities and destroy ecosystems. Action Alert! Over the last few months, we’ve been reporting on the health and environmental catastrophe linked to the use of pesticide-coated seeds, which were utilized to produce ethanol at a plant in Mead, Nebraska. Incredibly, the use of […]

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