Frankencitrus Coming to a Store Near You?

Frankencitrus Coming to a Store Near You?

A new ruling is expected to pave the way for genetically modified citrus to enter your local stores—but a loophole allows the food industry to keep you in the dark about the nature of the fruit you’re purchasing. The Animal Plant Health and Inspection Service (APHIS) is getting ready to do an environmental impact statement […]

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Pregnant? Avoid Glyphosate

Pregnant? Avoid Glyphosate

New research shows a strong link between glyphosate levels in bodily fluids of expectant mothers and unfavorable birth outcomes, including shorter pregnancies. Babies born from mothers with glyphosate in their system tended to weigh less. It’s also linked to many chronic health issues like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. Glyphosate exposure occurs […]

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EPA Ignores Fluoride Warnings

EPA Ignores Fluoride Warnings

When presented with evidence that fluoride is linked to the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and lower IQs, the Environmental Protection Agency essentially said, “We don’t care.” This occurred when the agency responded to a petition filed by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), Food & Water Watch, and others, asking the agency to […]

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EPA: Carcinogens Are OK with Us

EPA: Carcinogens Are OK with Us

Recently unsealed court documents show that the EPA is more focused on protecting big business than on protecting Americans from cancer. A group of citizens found this out the hard way when their lawsuit (the People vs. Monsanto, claiming that glyphosate caused their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) was undermined by officials at the Environmental Protection Agency. The […]

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Now Serving: Parkinson’s and Liver Disease

Now Serving: Parkinson’s and Liver Disease

Do you want this stuff on your dinner plate? Action Alert! Researchers have conducted a groundbreaking new study that shows a link between Roundup and severe liver damage. The study found that Roundup administered to rats at extremely low doses caused non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) over two years. NAFLD can lead to cirrhosis, and […]

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Drugs Don’t Work!

Drugs Don’t Work!

Studies on the effectiveness of the drug industry’s biggest sellers are frankly shocking, according to researchers. We—as individual consumers and as taxpayers—are apparently wasting money on expensive drugs that don’t work. And the side effects are often disastrous. “Every day, millions of people are taking medications that will not help them,” says Nicholas J. Schork, […]

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Want Your Kid to Have Asthma? Take Acid Blockers!

Want Your Kid to Have Asthma? Take Acid Blockers!

Not only do they make your acid reflux problems worse, they actually sicken your unborn child. Action Alert! An analysis of eight different studies, including data from over 1.6 million patients, found that taking heartburn medication during pregnancy significantly increases the risk for asthma for the baby. The researchers found that proton pump inhibitors (such […]

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