Drug Company Petition to Gag Weight Loss Supplement Producers

Drug Company Petition To Gag Weight Loss Supplement Producers

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Don’t Let the FDA Ban Weight Loss Supplements!
Following the withdrawal last week of a leading weight loss drug, the battle between natural approaches to weight loss and the drug companies is likely to intensify.
Just because the FDA hasn’t ruled on the Glaxo petition in over two years doesn’t mean it’s a non-issue. Far from it. The FDA often waits for years before responding. We need to remind the FDA that we’ve still got our eyes on Glaxo’s underhanded attempt to foist even more pharmaceutical monopoly on us. Please keep the pressure on. Tell the FDA you will not allow pharmaceutical companies to use the Citizen Petition process for their own financial gain.
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Read More About Drug Company Attempts to Gag Weight Loss Supplements:

Gastric Bypass Surgery for Everyone!
iStock_000016156464XSmallMay 7, 2013
New recommendations from doctors take us even further in the wrong direction.
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A New Diet Pill Hits the Market
belviq-weight-loss-drugJuly 3, 2012
Lose very little weight, and gain lots of nasty side effects!
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FDA Advisory Panel Green-Lights Toxic Weight Loss Pill
qnexa_pillsFebruary 28, 2012
The FDA had previously rejected this very same drug for safety reasons. So how do they explain the sudden flip-flop?
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Diet Sodas: Fewer Calories, But More Strokes
diet_sodaMarch 15, 2011
A few weeks ago, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released a report representing ANH-USA (and many other organizations’ efforts to protect natural health consumer rights) as “another disturbing example of pay-to-play in Washington.” Huh? Come again?
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Diet Pills that “Help” Depression—with Confusion, Hostility, and Heart Problems
contraveMarch 8, 2011
So-called weight-loss drugs are huge business, but they’re going from bad to worse. The newest include antidepressant ingredients—and most users won’t even know they’re there—with more really awful side effects.
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Weight Loss Update: FDA Panel Recommends Making Lap-Band Surgery Available to 12 Million More People
lap band surgeryJanuary 25, 2010
The procedure may help more people shed the pounds. But it will also fill the coffers of surgeons, hospitals, and a global specialty pharmaceutical company.
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Urgent Action Needed to Ensure that the FDA Does Not Create a Monopoly for Weight Loss Supplements!
Weight lossJune 30, 2009
GlaxoSmithKline wants the FDA to protect its hold on the weight loss market by ruling that any weight loss claim is a disease claim. Since supplements cannot make disease claims, that would eliminate all supplement competition at a stroke.
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Glaxo Smith Kline Petition to Ban Weight Loss Supplements
September 2, 2008
Why what might seem to be a small rule change could have big consequences, especially if you are overweight.
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