Plastic Bags Are Not Federally Protected

Plastic Bags Are Not Federally Protected

******* Action Alerts For This Campaign ********

Support a Plastic Bag Bill in Your State!

We have seven different Action Alerts for residents of those states with pending legislation about single-use plastic bags. None of the bills ask for an out-and-out ban. Many place a fee on single-use disposable bags, and some require that the plastic bags meet certain environmental standards. Further, some of the bills require that retailers sell reusable bags at the check-out counter. Supporting these bills is a good way to stand up to the plastic bag industry and let them know we don’t like their predatory tactics of intimidation. We also have a general Action Alert for residents of the other 43 states to ask their state legislators to introduce similar bills.

Please take action today!

Indiana Maryland Oregon Pennsylvania Vermont Virginia Washington

All Other States

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Read More About Plastic Bags:

Plastic Bag Victory—Keep the Pressure On!
plastic-bag-no1-thumb-221x221-13177October 11, 2011
Score one for environmentally conscious businesses. Keep up the pressure on your state legislatures—Take Action!
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