Conventional Doctors Claim Integrative Therapies Lack Research, Study

The Associated Press recently betrayed its bias in a series denouncing CAM/integrative medicine. Many who value integrated medicine were outraged by the following comment, which preceded each of four articles about complementary and alternative medicine published by AP: “EDITOR’S NOTE: Ten years and $2.5 billion in research have found no cures from alternative medicine. Yet […]

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Risks vs. Benefits

The public consciousness of risk vs. benefit was raised considerably with the media’s discussion of the benefits of taking a Cox II inhibitor (Celebrex and Vioxx) vs. the potential risks (Cox II inhibitors are linked to the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding as well to an increased risk of heart attack).

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Forbes: Vitamins “Quackery” — The Same Old Discredited Studies Are Hauled Out

It’s silly, to tell the truth.  Every so often, a major news outlet will publish an article to discourage people from taking vitamin supplements.  The articles cite a by now familiar group of very badly designed and probably intentionally biased medical studies that are quoted because of their anti-supplement results.  Sometimes the same old bogus […]

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FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid Millions Depend On

We have learned that Time-Cap Labs, producer of a generic version of the brand name drug Armour, a natural and bioidentical thyroid replacement, has been ordered by the FDA to stop production. The FDA has decided to classify the company’s product, available for over a century, as an unapproved new drug.  Since the new drug […]

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Dr. Mark Hyman’s Nine-Point Plan for Real Healthcare Reform

Mark Hyman, MD—author, practitioner, and educator in functional medicine—has hit the pavement in Washington, DC, to educate lawmakers and policymakers that universal healthcare coverage based on an “outdated 19th- and 20th-century model of medicine will lead us into danger.” In his Huffington Post article, “How to Fix Obama’s Health Plan Before It’s Too Late,” Dr. […]

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Can Prevention Turn the Tide of Rising Healthcare Costs? What Is True Prevention?

Business journals have chronicled the rise in healthcare costs for the past 30 years, and have linked them to America’s increasing inability to compete effectively in the global marketplace. The US spends more per capita than any other nation on the planet on its medical care, currently 17.5% of our GDP. According to AP articles, […]

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