What Effects Will the Pending FDA Regulation Changes Have on Stevia and Other Substances?

The FDA is currently receiving comment about Section 912 of its Amendments Act (FDAAA), which deals with the regulation of foods containing substances that have undergone clinical trials; they have now extended that comment period until November 25. The Section 912 regulations could create a major shift in the divide between foods and drugs.

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Johns Hopkins Clinicians Declare the Current RDA Guidelines Inadequate to Correct Vit D Deficiencies

According to an article in the current issue of Journal of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University researchers have termed the current RDA guidelines inadequate to correct the widely prevalent vitamin D deficiency in children suffering from cystic fibrosis. In their attempts to restore normal vitamin D levels, their trials used the recommended 50,000 IU of vitamin […]

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Can Medical Providers Legally Strike Back?

Integrative physicians are disproportionately the targets of state medical board action. They are often held to a different standard. Because their practice is outside the norm, the charge of “practicing outside the standard of care for the practice of medicine” is often leveled at them—even in the absence of any patient being harmed.

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Integrative Vision Award Bestowed upon AAHF President

The American College for Advancement in Medicine meeting was held in Las Vegas, October 15–19, 2008. Jonathan Wright, M.D., a distinguished clinician, educator, and ACAM member, introduced Hunter Lewis, president of American Association for Health Freedom. Then Jeanne Drisko, M.D., ACAM president and University of Kansas Medical School professor, presented Lewis the Integrative Vision Award […]

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