Wellness: An Essential Part of Health Reform Legislation

The Board of Directors of the American Association for Health Freedom has voted to support a key resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives that would include “sustainable wellness programs that address the underlying causal factors of chronic disease” in an effort to re-engineer our healthcare reform. H.Con.Res. 406 has detailed language to change the […]

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URGENT ACTION NEEDED IN NEW JERSEY: October Vote Threatens Freedom of Choice in Healthcare

Freedom of healthcare choice in New Jersey is facing a serious threat with the NJ Assembly Bill A2933 / Senate Bill S1941 vote scheduled for early in October. This bill and its identical counterpart in the NJ Senate would prevent any practitioner other than a dietician to teach, consult, or advise about health, nutrition, supplements, […]

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Estriol Congressional Call-In Day – September 10th!

AAHF and its project HOMECoalition.org are joining the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists and other groups in a nationwide call-in campaign to protect our access to estriol and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. The BHRT National Congressional Call-In Day will be Wednesday, Sept. 10th. Our goal is to generate thousands of […]

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Glaxo Smith Kline Petition to Ban Weight Loss Supplements

If you took action to tell the FDA no to banning natural B-6, you will also have found Glaxo Smith Kline’s so-called Citizen’s Petition to the FDA that would have the effect of banning  weight loss supplements. As you see, Glaxo Smith Kline simply petitioned that obesity be considered a disease. But don’t be misled. […]

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