Beware the Eye of the Storm

Beware the Eye of the Storm

From Organic Consumers Association Growing up on the Gulf of Mexico and living through several intense hurricanes, I became familiar with the term “eye of the storm.” The “eye” refers to the interlude or relative calm between the two phases of a hurricane, when the center of the storm is passing directly overhead. I was […]

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Supplement Attack Threatens Mental Health

Supplement Attack Threatens Mental Health

Restricting supplement access could cause the mental health crisis to get even worse than it is now. Action Alert! In 2020, one in five Americans experienced a mental illness, and rates of mental illness are increasing substantially. Evidence links nutrient inadequacies to the development of mental disorders, showing that supplements have a role to play […]

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Glutathione Ban “Would Be a Tragedy”

Glutathione Ban “Would Be a Tragedy”

A doctor tells ANH what’s at stake if the FDA moves forward with a glutathione ban. Action Alert! For the last few weeks, we’ve been telling you about the FDA threat to glutathione in almost all of its forms. An FDA committee that has already voted to ban many natural medicines met to decide whether compounding pharmacies […]

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Which Supplement Brands Should You Trust?

Which Supplement Brands Should You Trust?

Not getting the right CoQ10 supplement could be putting your heart at risk. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant produced naturally by the human body and performs many important functions. As such, there are many diseases associated with CoQ10 deficiency, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and others. Supplementing with CoQ10 […]

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USDA Makes Surprising Commitments to Organic Food, Access to Local Food, and Food as Medicine

USDA Makes Surprising Commitments to Organic Food, Access to Local Food, and Food as Medicine

From Moms Across America On Wednesday, May 31, 2022, Tom Vilsack, US Secretary of Agriculture, made a major announcement about the funding of a framework to transform the food supply. Referencing supply chain issues as the impetus for the changes, Vilsack laid out a comprehensive plan which would, if implemented thoroughly, decrease further supply chain issues and […]

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Magnesium Nightmare

Magnesium Nightmare

How new supplement restrictions could affect your sleep quality. Action Alert! Problems sleeping are extremely common among adults; magnesium can help, but Senator Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) proposed supplement restrictions put us on a road to ridiculous, unscientific restrictions on this essential mineral. We’ve been detailing the many threats to your health represented by the mandatory […]

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LAST CHANCE to Protect Glutathione!

LAST CHANCE to Protect Glutathione!

The clock is ticking for us to demonstrate massive grassroots opposition to a ban on compounded glutathione. Act now! Action Alert! On Wednesday, June 8th, an FDA advisory committee is meeting to discuss whether glutathione can continue to be made at compounding pharmacies. The FDA has already suggested that the committee recommend a ban. The […]

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Bisphenol A (BPA) – Mysterious Toxin Extraordinaire?

Bisphenol A (BPA) – Mysterious Toxin Extraordinaire?

From Environmental Health Symposium Why did the European Union’s equivalent to the FDA (EFSA) decide to lower the allowable exposure levels of bisphenol A to 5000 times lower than the current average daily exposure levels in the U.S. and 100,000 times lower than previously assumed safe by the FDA? A coalition of researchers, physicians and environmental advocacy/child […]

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