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TDF drugs damage the kidneys and bones

TDF drugs damage the kidneys and bones
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TDF drugs are antiretrovirals used to treat HIV.  Gilead Sciences markets TDF in combination with other drugs under the brand name Truvada, as well as other names such as Atripla, Complera, Stribild, Symfi-Lo, Cimduo and Viread.

Studies have found TDF drugs to be damaging to the kidneys and bones—dangers that were not properly disclosed to patients by Gilead.

Lawsuits have alleged that Gilead developed a safer HIV treatment, TAF, but delayed releasing this drug in order to continue profiting from patents on TDF drugs. By the time Gilead finally did market TAF, thousands of people had been harmed by TDF drugs.

If you’ve taken Truvada or any other TDF drug and have been hurt, Gilead may be liable for your injury. Fill out the form below, and an attorney will assess your case.


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