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This Could Be The End

This Could Be The End
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Your action is needed to prevent a terrible supplement policy from being slipped into an unrelated bill so it can pass without anyone noticing. Make no mistake: this is the beginning of the end of our ability to use supplements to stay healthy, but you can help us stop it before it gets off the ground. 

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and his allies are working to increase restrictions on the supplements you care about. They are trying to sneak it into the reauthorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), which must pass by the beginning of October. This maneuver is used when proponents of a policy don’t think it can pass on its own merits.

It’s all hands on deck. We need you to reach out to Congress and urge them NOT to include supplement registration in PDUFA.

Send your message now! There isn’t any time to lose!

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