ANH Sues FDA Over Health Claims Censorship

ANH Sues FDA Over Health Claims Censorship

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stop Tell Congress to Restore Free Speech for Nutritional Supplement Companies!
The Testimonial Free Speech Act, HR 2908, would allow the dissemination of testimonials “containing a consumer’s actual perception of the mitigative, preventive, or curative properties of any food or dietary supplement based on the consumer’s experience with that food or dietary supplement.”
Two other Paul bills also support freedom of speech and freedom of information in the healthcare arena. Consumers need access to as much information as possible to make informed decisions for their families.
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Read More About Health Claims Censorship:

Free Speech Court Ruling Could Have Far-reaching Consequences
iStock_000018424012XSmallDecember 4, 2012
Big Pharma seems to be the winner. But this could open the door for natural health companies to cite truthful science about supplements.
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“FDA Went Too Far,” Says Judge
iStock_000003455183XSmallMarch 20, 2012
A court has stopped FDA’s latest attempt to censor food and supplement science.
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ANH-USA Wins Major Lawsuit on Qualified Health Claims
ConstitutionApril 19, 2011
We took ’em to court—and we won! A federal court has found the FDA’s stance against vitamin health claims to be unconstitutional!
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New Government Report Says FDA Should Ask Congress for More Authority over Health Claims
GAOJanuary 25, 2011
Who should worry about this? And will consumers learn even less about what they are eating?
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Another Win for Famed Attorney Jonathan Emord! FDA Settles With ANH-USA and Fellow Plaintiffs
Cutting red tapeOctober 5, 2010
Under pressure of our court victory, the FDA is for the first time allowing reasonable “qualified health claims” for some supplements.
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Federal Agency SUED for Trampling Scientific Freedom of Speech!
pom-500x329September 21, 2010
Breaking News: The Federal Trade Commission is being sued for prohibiting a juice maker from making health claims—even though the claims are true and supported by competent, reliable scientific evidence.
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Court Finds For ANH-USA In Stunning Victory Over FDA (Thank You Jonathan Emord!)
legal-scalesJune 1, 2010
This was a key federal case argued for ANH-USA and other plaintiffs by Jonathan Emord and the Emord law firm. It was a remarkable seventh victory for Emord over the FDA in the area of allowable health claims for food or supplements. Unless reversed on appeal, the decision restricts the Agency’s ability to place gag orders on the emerging science behind healthy foods and dietary supplements.
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CSPI Asks FDA to Abolish Food and Supplement Health Claims
Supplements1January 12, 2010
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has asked the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to abolish Structure/Function Claims and Qualified Health Claims. What does this jargon mean? Why is this so important?
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gavelSeptember 1, 2009
ANH-USA has filed three lawsuits against the FDA in recent weeks. In each case, we have been joined as plaintiffs by dietary supplement formulators Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw and the Coalition to End FDA and FTC Censorship. We are being represented by the law firm of Emord & Associates.
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US Censorship of Scientific Free Speech Continues as Bayer Faces Lawsuit over Its Selenium Claims
censorshipJuly 14, 2009
Bayer Healthcare could face a lawsuit in the US over its claim that selenium may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Bayer makes that claim on advertisements and labels for its One A Day Men’s multivitamin.
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