Why Do The Major Media Get It So Wrong?

Why Do The Major Media Get It So Wrong?

********Action Alerts For This Campaign********

Last Monday the Archives of Internal Medicine,  released a study claiming that vitamin use might lead to an earlier death. The study was “junk science” at its worst. Worst of all, the media have skewed and misreported the study with devastating results.

Because we expect this study to be used to support the FDA’s new supplement guidance and Sen. Durbin’s bill that could greatly restrict supplement availability, it is critical that we do not let this study go by unanswered.

Vitamin Study Action Alert for Doctors and Scientists

If you are a doctor or a scientist, please write to the editor of the Archives of Internal Medicine and ask for the study to be reviewed and retracted, to allow a rebuttal to be published, or at the very least to reveal the authors’ methodology.

Vitamin Study Action Alert for Consumers, Doctors and Scientists

If you are a consumer or a medical professional, please write to the major media outlets as well as Congress and let them know how dangerously misleading both the study and the media reports have been.

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Read More About How the Major Media Get It Wrong:

Forbes Calls for “Re-institutionalizing” the Mentally Ill
509731930_81f7fe995a_bFebruary 19, 2013
Will that avoid mass shootings like Sandy Hook—or just put people on the very drugs that can make them homicidal?
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Turnabout: Now the Mainstream Media Reports That Vitamins Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer
centrum silverOctober 23, 2012
These vitamins come from a major drug company. Maybe we should conclude that vitamins made by a drug company reduce cancer and others don’t?
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Another Hatchet Job from Consumer Reports

conrepAugust 7, 2012
Their article, “10 Surprising Dangers of Vitamins & Supplements,” is just more fear-mongering.
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Headlines Scream “Danger”! What’s the Truth about This Week’s Vitamin D Study?
Vitamin D heartNovember 22, 2011
“Vitamin D Warning!” says MSNBC. “High Vitamin D Levels Linked to Serious Heart Condition” says Fox. What could be behind these terrifying headlines?
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Shame on AMA’s Archives of Internal Medicine
bad-math1October 11, 2011Did you hear the breaking news last night—that multivitamins may shorten your life? Here’s how junk science from the AMA set off the media frenzy.
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NYT Launches Attack on Supplement-Protecting Senator — Just as DSHEA Comes under Renewed Threat
grassroots advocacyJuly 19, 2011
The New York Times made nasty insinuations about both the supplement industry and Sen. Hatch, one of the two authors of DSHEA—and got the facts completely wrong about ANH-USA.
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Newsweek Publishes Disgraceful Article on Antioxidants
antioxidantsFebruary 1, 2011
In their January 25 issue, Newsweek published a scientifically unsupportable article, claiming that antioxidants “may not be good for your health.” We asked natural biomedical researcher and physician Jonathan Wright, MD, to comment—and he didn’t mince words!
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The Disappearing Honeybee and More Dirty Dealing by Major Drug Companies
reportersNovember 16, 2010
Natural health diets depend completely on the honeybee. Industry money infiltrates science once again, as the likeliest culprit behind the worldwide collapse of bee colonies is revealed—and it’s not what the New York Times reported!
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Scientific American Falls for Drug Company Propaganda
wrongSeptember 21, 2010
The editors of Scientific American say that the FDA should hold foods “to the same scientific standards as those for drugs.”
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Wikipedia’s Anti-Natural Health Slant
wikiSeptember 7, 2010
Wikipedia is the largest and most popular reference site on the Internet. Yet the articles that are pro-health freedom or integrative medicine perspectives are consistently gutted, removed, or vandalized.
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Supplements Are Contaminated, Drugs Pure. Right? No, Wrong.
Tylenol-Recall-JJSeptember 7, 2010
Are megabucks of drug company advertising buying major media silence about shoddy practices?
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Biased and One-Sided Consumer Reports Article Attacks Supplements
iStock_000001254568XSmall(2)August 10, 2011
Consumer Reports Health just published an exposé of twelve “dangerous supplements.” It’s an example of such skewed information and biased reporting from a once respected organization that we have issued a new Action Alert.
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Senate Hearing Headlines: The Media Gets It Wrong Again. Here Is Some Of What You Need To Know About Supplement Safety.
June 1, 2010
In last week’s newsletter, we reported that the staff of the Senate Committee on Aging, led by Senator Kohl (D-WI), was preparing a surprise ambush of dietary supplements in a Senate hearing held last Wednesday. We were right. But we didn’t anticipate how seriously distorted the major media news stories would be.
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Send A Message To PBS Frontline! What Frontline Covered Up In Their Biased Report On “The Vaccine War”
May 4, 2010
PBS Frontline recently interviewed the noted pediatrician, Dr. Gordon. Although Dr. Gordon spent hours interviewing with Frontline, PBS producers omitted not only 100% of his interview but the entire “third camp” approach to vaccinations. It is obvious that PBS wanted to create a simple tabloid news piece with the all-knowing doctors on one side vs. crazed parents on the other.
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JAMA Publishes Flawed Studies Linking Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 to Cancer
iStock_000010770938XSmallDecember 22, 2009
The Natural Products Association (NPA) and the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) have both voiced outrage over the publication of “Cancer Incidence and Mortality after Treatment with Folic Acid and Vitamin B12” in the 11/19/09 issue of JAMA. The leading researcher on this study, Dr. Marta Ebbing of Norway, is quoted as saying, Folic acid fortification and supplementation may not necessarily be as safe as previously assumed.”
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Alternative Medicine Find Wider Acceptance by Doctors, Insurers, and Hospitals, Yet They “Lack Value”
June 16, 2009
The Associated Press says that “Alternative medicine has become mainstream. Consumer spending on it in some cases rivals that of traditional healthcare.” Yet they claim that supplements and CAM therapies “lack value,” are unregulated, with people using them “in blind faith.” Yet nothing could be farther from the truth.
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Media Distortion Damages Both Science and Journalism
April 7, 2009
Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen of the University of Cambridge says that news articles reporting his recent autism study aimed for “bold sensationalism” and ended up distorting his research entirely. The media must take responsibility not only for twisting the facts, but also for choosing to focus on “the hot new medication” instead of on lifestyle changes that are safer, more effective, and significantly less expensive.
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ANH Responds to media slamming alternative medicine

April 28, 2008

From our UK-based affiliate, Alliance for Natural Health

A leading Harley Street physician, also President of the British Society for Ecological Medicine and Medical Director of the Alliance for Natural Health, claims that Professor Ernst, the UK’s first professor of complementary medicine, is unscientific in his approach. Read More>>

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