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Diet Soda: Warning Label Needed?

Diet Soda: Warning Label Needed?
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Stroke and dementia too? Yes, you can add those to the health risks of diet soda consumption.
Natural health advocates have known for quite some time that artificial sweeteners like aspartame are dangerous and to be avoided. They’ve been associated with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and leukemia in men. These health effects aren’t all that surprising when we consider that ten percent of aspartame is methanol, which is converted to formaldehyde which, in turn, is converted to formic acid—which is used to strip epoxy!
According to a new study, we can, in fact, add increased risk of stroke and dementia to the list of dangers.
Read the full story here, and check out our previous coverage of how aspartame originally got FDA approval through blatant cronyism here.

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