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State Action Alert: New York Says “Stop Exposing Our CAFOs!”

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Chickens raised for slaughter
Pending legislation in New York State wants to send investigative journalists to jail for photographing factory farms. A new State Action Alert.

According to the Humane Society, a recent investigation at New York’s largest dairy factory revealed shocking images of animal abuse, and the state’s agribusiness industry is now attempting to shield its inhumane practices from any further public scrutiny and debate.

S5172 aims to curtail free speech by prohibiting whistleblowing at factory farms, though the bill deceptively claims to be fighting “unlawful tampering with farm animals.” Of course, it’s all a matter of how terms are defined. According to the bill, “unlawful tampering” includesunauthorized video, audio recording or photography done without the farm owner’s written consent”!

Rather than stop cruel treatment of animals, this bill will simply ensure that the public never learns about it. Rather than sending perpetrators of animal cruelty to jail, agribusiness wants to send those who expose the cruelty to jail.

Don’t let New York get away with the same censorship tactics other states have tried. If you are a New York resident, please contact your legislators immediately and ask them to oppose S5172!


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