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All We Need Is One Minute of Their Time

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speak-outOur Action Alert is simple: Ask your senator or representative to make a one-minute floor speech opposing the FDA’s plan to sweep many supplements off the shelf and make the ones that survive much more expensive. Please help!

As you know, the comment period for the NDI Draft Guidance is now closed, and the FDA will be reviewing all the comments they have received. During this period, we want to make the Draft Guidance such a hot-button political issue that FDA will be forced to take notice and will address the public’s serious concerns.

As we reported last month, two powerful senators and longtime friends of natural health, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), wrote to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg and formally asked the FDA to withdraw its guidance document. We thank these courageous senators for speaking out and clearly articulating the problems inherent in the FDA’s proposal.

In addition, Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-IL) recently made a one-minute speech entitled “Overregulating Dietary Supplements Endangers Americans’ Jobs and Health” on the floor of the House of Representatives. This was his speech:

Madam Speaker, I rise today to express my concern over another example of rampant government regulation.

For seventeen years, the Food and Drug Administration has sought to ignore congressional intent and create a vast new regulatory regime for dietary supplements. Millions of Americans, including many of my constituents and my family, rely on dietary supplements as part of their everyday health maintenance routine. Moreover, they play an important role in ensuring that people take individual responsibility for preventative health care. We all can agree that the FDA should not limit Americans’ access to dietary supplements….

Last week, the comment period on the FDA’s draft guidance closed. Now that they’ve heard from the public, and now that I’m sure they’ve heard from countless Americans who share my concern, I urge them to go back to the drawing board and ensure that they do not limit Americans’ access to dietary supplements.

Simple. Clear. Direct. And painless.

Today we’re asking you to send a message to your senators and your congressional representative. Ask them to make a simple one-minute floor speech in opposition to the guidance. Urge them, just as Senators Harkin and Hatch did, to ask the FDA to retract the guidance altogether and start over. Remind them too of the economic impact—an argument that will have a great deal of power right now—that the NDI draft guidance is bad for the economy and costs American jobs. Please send your message today!

If you are a resident of Illinois, please take action here:

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If you are a resident of Iowa, please take action here:

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If you are a resident of Utah, please take action here:

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If you are a resident of any other state, please take action here:

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