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AAHF Has a Question for the Obama Administration

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The transition period is over. Inauguration Day has ushered in the Obama administration. Many voiced their hopes for the new president through, and a health freedom proposal garnered many votes of support.
Because of the White House’s openness to Internet technology, you can give voice to the millions of Americans just like you who use integrative medicine to stay healthy. Right now, please go to and pose this key question:
The FDA has been engaged in a systematic harassment campaign—against alternative medicine in general, but also against companies that share scientific information on the health benefits of specific foods and dietary supplements with the public. How will the Obama administration help end the FDA’s harassment campaign?

Any plan to insure health insurance for all Americans comes with a prohibitive price tag. But of course, health insurance does not ensure health. A significant number of Americans understand how to cut health care costs: simply stay healthy. Yet it is clear that the FDA:
• obstructs medical science and innovation;
• forbids and censors the communication of legitimate, peer reviewed scientific research;
• protects entrenched medical monopolies that pay its bills and hire its employees;
• interferes with the rights of consumers to learn about good science (especially relating to food and supplements), which could prolong and save lives and promote health; and
• unnecessarily drives up the cost of healthcare to the point where employers can no longer afford to hire employees, and the entire American economy is threatened.
It is time to be part of the solution. Tell the Obama administration to end the FDA’s harassment. Be part of the movement to Please don’t delay. The list of petition signers is growing every day. We need your signature in order to get the attention of Congress.

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