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Readers Corner: ANH-USA’s Connections and Position on World Government

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We’ve received some questions from a couple of our readers recently about some rumors that have been flying around the internet. Here is one:

Jim writes:
June 30, 2010 at 9:12 am

Someone on the internet has written that you are part of a Rockefeller family driven agenda to create a single world government. Can you please comment?

ANH-USA says:
July 2, 2010

ANH-USA is exclusively devoted to natural health and health freedom issues.

In our opinion, the perennial problem with government is keeping it honest, free of corruption, and free of special interest control. A single world government would only make that problem worse.

We also have no relationship with the Rockefeller family, nor are we controlled by or secretly funded by any other organization or group. We are entirely independent.

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