Another potential blockbuster drug has flopped. Despite this, the feds still have natural alternative treatments in the crosshairs.
From Forbes:
Investors poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Axovant and its experimental Alzheimer’s drug, intepirdine. But in the end, the medicine was no different from 99% of medicines tested against the brain-wasting disease since 2002 — it failed.
Comment: This just the latest failure from Big Pharma to develop a viable Alzheimer’s drug. Meanwhile, their friends at the FDA seek to clear natural alternatives like vinpocetine from the market. (And, recall our previous coverage of the promise coconut oil shows in fighting Alzheimer’s.) With synthetic drugs failing to deliver, the trend is to try and turn natural medicine into drugs and have the FDA eliminate the affordable supplement versions from store shelves—see Amarin’s latest effort to ban fish oil imports.
Another Alzheimer Drug Bites the Dust