Finland Warns Women Not to Take Ginger for Morning Sickness

The May 5, 2009, issue of “Pulse of Health Freedom” reported a Finnish proposal that alternative therapies should be offered to cancer patients, diabetics, pregnant women and those with mental illness only under the care of a doctor. Now, the Finnish food safety agency Evira has recommended warning labels for ginger supplements, specifically cautioning pregnant […]

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Integrative Practitioners—Still Far From a Level Playing Field

Integrative practitioners face an uphill battle in protecting their right to practice medicine in a manner that assesses the whole patient—mind, body, lifestyle, and genetics.  The entire U.S.  health system is designed based on a single standard of care.  Insurance rules, government reimbursement rates, treatment options, FDA and FTC regulations and enforcement, and state medical […]

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ANH-USA has filed three lawsuits against the FDA in recent weeks. In each case, we have been joined as plaintiffs by dietary supplement formulators Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw and the Coalition to End FDA and FTC Censorship. We are being represented by the law firm of Emord & Associates.

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