Open Letter: Glyphosate Testing

Open Letter: Glyphosate Testing

Last week, we published a white paper concerning the presence of glyphosate in common American breakfast foods. We performed our tests using the ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) methodology, and disseminated the results to our members and the media. In publicizing the results of this test, it was not our intention to identify or target any […]

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Seven Casualties In The War On Natural Medicine

Seven Casualties In The War On Natural Medicine

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ANH Releases Study of Glyphosate in Breakfast Foods

ANH Releases Study of Glyphosate in Breakfast Foods

Glyphosate, primary ingredient in popular herbicide Round Up, present in 40% of products tested April 19, 2016 — Today, the Alliance for Natural Health-USA (ANH-USA) released the results of food safety testing conducted on an assortment of popular breakfast foods. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing revealed the presence of glyphosate; the most widely used agricultural […]

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B Vits: Deep-Sixing Them the Easy Way

B Vits: Deep-Sixing Them the Easy Way

The FDA seems to have figured out that it doesn’t need to ban B vitamins to eliminate them from the market. Action Alerts! Injectable vitamin B12 is one of the most common treatments employed by integrative (and many conventional) physicians for the wide range of benefits it confers to patients. B12 is used to treat […]

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Poison for Breakfast, Anyone?

Poison for Breakfast, Anyone?

ANH-USA tested common breakfast foods for the presence of glyphosate, the toxic herbicide. Here’s what we found. Action Alert! By now it has become common knowledge that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup—the most common weed killer in the world—poses many grave threats to human health and has been classified as a possible carcinogen by […]

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Mystery Food Mandated by Congress?

Mystery Food Mandated by Congress?

If approved, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement could eliminate our right to know where our food comes from. We must stop this. Action Alert! Since the full text of the TPP deal was released in November 2015 (after many years of closed-door negotiations), we’ve been telling you about the many corrupt provisions it contains, […]

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Toddlers Are Being Given Toxic, Mind-Altering Drugs

Toddlers Are Being Given Toxic, Mind-Altering Drugs

These drugs are dangerous enough for adults—so why are we giving them to two-year-olds (and even younger) children? Who exactly has the mental problem here? A story published in The New York Times documents the rising trend of conventional doctors prescribing antipsychotic and psychotropic drugs to children two years old and younger. The report estimates […]

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