Stop Crony Nutritionists’ Power Grab

Stop Crony Nutritionists’ Power Grab

Together we can put an end to these monopolies. State-based Action Alerts! In recent years we have made a lot of progress working together to protect free speech and ensure an open marketplace for qualified nutrition professionals. We have now sent letters to legislators in over a dozen states, warning them that their restrictive nutrition […]

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Why Is the FDA Smothering Innovation in Lab Testing?

Why Is the FDA Smothering Innovation in Lab Testing?

Recent actions against the trailblazing medical testing company Theranos only protect the status quo, drive up the cost of medicine, and thwart better treatments. Action Alert! Natural medicine is said to stand on three legs: a natural diet, nutritional supplements, and integrative treatments. But testing is an essential fourth leg. Some people are seriously deficient […]

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Are Prescription Drugs on Your Menu for Dinner?

Are Prescription Drugs on Your Menu for Dinner?

No, we didn’t think so. But you might get them in your dinner anyway. Action Alert! “Biosolids”—a euphemism for human waste—are being used by some farmers as cheap fertilizer, according the New York Times, but it is usually done very quietly. In most states and counties, details about where biosolids have been applied is intentionally […]

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Is the New Attack on Brain Health Supplements Putting Thousands of Other Supplements at Risk?

Is the New Attack on Brain Health Supplements Putting Thousands of Other Supplements at Risk?

There are plenty of reason to wonder. Action Alerts! As we revealed in our related story, the attack on picamilon (a safe supplement combining the natural substances GABA and vitamin B3) spearheaded by the attorney general of Oregon, with the assistance of Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), has likely been orchestrated by the US Food and Drug […]

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Horrific Disease Creeping into the US

Horrific Disease Creeping into the US

This is a kind of Halloween story, but it is a true one. Chagas disease is the stuff of horror movies, but public health officials are doing very little to address it. A rare and deadly tropical disease once thought to be limited to economically depressed regions of South America is now appearing in areas […]

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Both the Institute of Medicine and the American Diabetes Association Say, “Enjoy Your Fructose (Fruit Sugar)!”

Both the Institute of Medicine and the American Diabetes Association Say, “Enjoy Your Fructose (Fruit Sugar)!”

Sorry, sugar is sugar, whether from fruit or not. And if the “fruit sugar” is actually high-fructose corn syrup—from GMO corn at that—and quaffed down in endless sodas, it just gets worse. A recent meta-analysis published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings confirms this yet again. It notes that both the Institute of Medicine and the […]

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