$32,500 for CBD Oil?

$32,500 for CBD Oil?

If we don’t change a key FDA policy, that’s how much you may be forced to pay if you want to purchase CBD oil. Action Alert! For years, consumers have benefitted from access to cheap, safe, and effective CBD oil supplements. But now the FDA says that CBD is a drug, not a supplement—a drug […]

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They’re Causing Asthma: Does the EPA Care?

They’re Causing Asthma: Does the EPA Care?

Large factory farms are spewing toxic gases into the air that are causing human health problems, but the EPA refuses to act. Imagine stepping onto your front porch to enjoy your morning coffee, but instead of fresh air and sunshine you’re met with an overpowering stench of the manure and filth from thousands of confined […]

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Voices of Freedom: Gretchen DuBeau, Esq.

Voices of Freedom: Gretchen DuBeau, Esq.

A lifelong environmentalist and devotee to natural health and healing, Gretchen has found the perfect culmination of her interests at ANH-USA, where she works to shift the current medical paradigm to one that embraces real preventive and integrative medicine as the standard of care. More…

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Healthcare Price Transparency Gets a Boost

Healthcare Price Transparency Gets a Boost

A new Trump administration rule will allow consumers to better understand the prices for hospital procedures. From the Washington Examiner: Hospitals will be required to post the prices they charge for surgeries and other medical procedures online under a new Trump administration rule… Previously, CMS required that hospitals make the information available to anyone who […]

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Did Acid Blockers Put Senator in Hospital?

Did Acid Blockers Put Senator in Hospital?

These OTC drugs cause more problems than they fix. From Fox News: House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer was in the hospital on Wednesday after getting a pneumonia diagnosis a day earlier, and was expected to make a full recovery. The Maryland Democrat, 79, was admitted to George Washington University Hospital on Tuesday with pneumococcal pneumonia, […]

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Can Homeopathy Be Saved?

Can Homeopathy Be Saved?

The FDA is threatening homeopathy’s future. Here’s how we can save it. Action Alert! The FDA has proposed a new policy for regulating homeopathy—a policy which is a direct threat to many, many homeopathic medicines. To fully protect consumer access to these treatments, we need Congress to pass a law. Congress and the FDA have […]

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