Roundup Chemical in Our Food: Round Two of Testing

Roundup Chemical in Our Food: Round Two of Testing

We used a second testing method to see if common breakfast items contain glyphosate, an herbicide in Roundup weed killer. Earlier this year, we released a white paper concerning the presence of glyphosate in common American breakfast foods. To determine whether glyphosate was present in these products, we used the ELISA test (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) […]

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Systemic Corruption at FDA Reported

Systemic Corruption at FDA Reported

And consider who is leveling this charge: its own staff researchers, court rulings, and Congress. Action Alert! We have long documented many cases of FDA-approved killer drugs and agency interference in a person’s right to natural medicine (and much of this information and more is collected in our new FDA Death Meter website, as we […]

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GMO Labeling Vote Tomorrow

GMO Labeling Vote Tomorrow

Even the FDA says the legislation is full of loopholes. We must stop this bill from moving forward. Action Alert! A vote to end debate on the Roberts-Stabenow GMO labeling bill in the Senate is expected tomorrow. If cloture is approved, the bill is one step closer to becoming law. For more background on the […]

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Green Medicine–Full July PDF Edition

Green Medicine–Full July PDF Edition

If you would like to download and print a pdf version of Green Medicine, you can do so here. Now you can take Green Medicine wherever you go. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download here. In this issue: Back to the Future: Infections Cured by Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) Nutritional (Low-Dose) Lithium […]

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Defeat Los Federales’ War on Pharmacy Compounding!

Defeat Los Federales’ War on Pharmacy Compounding!

  The price of the most metabolically active, preservative-free vitamin B12 injections from compounding pharmacies has increased by as much as 946% in ten years Los federales are the cause of this price increase Help save pharmacy compounding and natural medicine! Green Medicine’s very first issue (March 2016) reported that your doctor can no longer […]

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Nutritional (Low-Dose) Lithium

Nutritional (Low-Dose) Lithium

  A well-documented, information-packed, readable book Low-dose lithium causes new brain cell growth, prevents Alzheimer’s Dozens of other uses for low-dose lithium Case report: low-dose lithium safety Late last year, I was honored by James Greenblatt, MD, an assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, and Kayla Grossman,RN, an educator and yoga practitioner, to be asked to […]

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Bad GMO Deal Must Be Stopped

Bad GMO Deal Must Be Stopped

It’s mandatory labeling in name only. It discriminates against the poor. And it is clearly a gift to Big Food. Major Action Alert! For weeks now, Sens. Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) have been working on a GMO labeling bill that would pre-empt Vermont’s mandatory labeling law. Late last week they finally reached […]

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Give FDA Even More Power?

Give FDA Even More Power?

That’s what a group of former FDA bigwigs want. If they get their way, natural medicine could be in even greater jeopardy. This week, six former commissioners of the Food and Drug Administration dating back to President Reagan have called on Congress to give the FDA more power by making it an independent, cabinet-level agency. […]

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