FDA Tiptoes Around BPA

The FDA’s failure to protect newborns and the unborn from BPA recalls the old joke “How many deaths does it take for the FDA to remove a drug from the market?” The answer (not all funny): all too many.

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Hyperbaric Oxygen for Our Wounded War Heroes in the News

Legislation unanimously passed the House of Representatives this month that would recognize hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in Veterans Administration medical facilities across the country and report the results to Congress. Rep. Pete Sessions (R–TX) authored the legislation as an amendment to the 2010 fiscal year Military Construction and VA Appropriations Act. The new legislation requires […]

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New Bill (HR2749) Gives FDA Unheard-of Power Over Small Farmers, Food and Supplement Producers

A new, long-awaited food safety bill is now before the US House of Representatives. It is the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, or FSEA. Introduced by Reps. Henry Waxman (D–CA) and John Dingell (D–MI), the FSEA is meant to address food safety concerns. But as you will see, much of it is not about […]

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Chemicals and Hormones Are a Bad Mix

According to Deborah Swackhamer, an environmental health professor at the University of Minnesota, “Hormones at very small doses regulate just about everything, and if you’ve got chemicals that can mimic that, they can mess with growth, behavior, and development.” Just last month, Minnesota banned the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) from baby bottles and sippy cups. […]

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Urgent Action Needed to Ensure that the FDA Does Not Create a Monopoly for Weight Loss Supplements!

Pharmaceutical companies have figured out that the FDA can be reshaped into a tool to increase their profits instead of doing its actual job—screening drugs for safety on behalf of consumers. First, there was the pharmaceutical company assault on your access to vitamin B6. The FDA has now ended your access to one of the […]

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