Is It Red Light Therapy’s Time to Shine?

Is It Red Light Therapy’s Time to Shine?

A decades-old treatment is slowly gaining credibility as a difference-maker for people with certain medical conditions, particularly in the areas of skin care, wound recovery and joint pain. Noninvasive and widely considered safe, red light therapy promotes healing at a cellular level, leading scientists to explore its other potential healthcare applications. While costs may prove prohibitive for many, and […]

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Imagining A Greater Organic Reset

Imagining A Greater Organic Reset

From Organic Consumers Association OCA often talks about our long term goal: making organic and regenerative food, farming, and land use (and natural health) the norm, rather than just the alternative. As our longtime ally Vandana Shiva points out, this would be “the solution to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the climate crisis, and the […]

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FDA: We Know Better Than Doctors!

FDA: We Know Better Than Doctors!

In a sneaky move, the FDA has extended its power over how doctors can practice medicine. Action Alert! Doctors, be advised: the FDA is starting to regulate the practice of medicine. Buried in the 4,155 page spending bill Congress recently approved is the innocuous-sounding “Bans of Devices for One or More Intended Uses.” This dangerous […]

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USDA Moves to Stop Organic Food Fraud, Finally

USDA Moves to Stop Organic Food Fraud, Finally

The USDA has finally finished a long-awaited rule that will help clean up fraud in the organic food sector. This rule, put together by the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), is urgently needed given widespread fraud that has been reported in the organics industry. The level of deception has reached epidemic proportions: a USDA study found that 40% of all organic food […]

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The 14 Worst Health News Stories of 2022 (Part One)

The 14 Worst Health News Stories of 2022 (Part One)

From Ronald Hoffman, MD. In keeping with an Intelligent Medicine tradition, as the year draws to a close, I offer you a compendium of the worst health news stories of 2022. It’s kind of like the late Mr. Blackwell’s list of the year’s Worst-Dressed Women. These stories distinguish themselves by their preposterousness, their unabashed ignorance of the true […]

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What Your Poop Says About Your Health

What Your Poop Says About Your Health

From Joseph Mercola, DO. When it comes to toileting habits, the topic is not exactly a favorite among Americans — at least for those above the age of 4. Mention poop and you can easily clear a room — or at the least, generate some unusual facial expressions, nervous laughter and wisecracks about “too much […]

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