Can We Trust Pfizer Vaccine Data?

Can We Trust Pfizer Vaccine Data?

Whistleblowers sound the alarm about critical data integrity issues from a company that ran Pfizer’s vaccine trial. A stunning report from the prestigious British Medical Journal details a whistleblower’s account of data integrity issues in Pfizer’s pivotal Phase III trial for its COVID vaccine. Both Pfizer and the FDA were informed of these issues, but […]

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Affordable Vitamin C for COVID

Affordable Vitamin C for COVID

The medical rationale confirmed by new review of available evidence. From our friends at ANH-International. Have you taken your vitamin C today? If you have, will you take it again, perhaps more than twice or three times, to maintain beneficial amounts of this remarkable, multi-functional nutrient in your bloodstream for more of the day, or […]

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Government Vax Overreach Blocked by Court

Government Vax Overreach Blocked by Court

A US appeals court has ordered the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to stop implementing and enforcing the Biden vaccine mandate until further notice. Amidst a flurry of legal challenges from Republican-led states, a federal appeals court has blocked President Biden’s requirement that private employers with over 100 employees institute a vaccination and testing […]

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Natural Medicine and COVID: Will Congress Help?

Natural Medicine and COVID: Will Congress Help?

Real COVID prevention means addressing the obesity and chronic disease epidemic, but the feds don’t have a clue. COVID has killed more than 750,000 Americans and caused more than three million hospitalizations. Yet the virus is not an indiscriminate killer. We know that people with underlying conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are far […]

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Supplement Censorship Undermines COVID Fight

Supplement Censorship Undermines COVID Fight

New science says supplements can help with COVID-19, but the feds say you’re not allowed to learn about it. Action Alert! Stunning new studies demonstrate how supplements can improve COVID-19 outcomes. This adds to existing research on a variety of natural compounds showing the plausibility of using supplements to prevent or treat COVID-19. Yet, as […]

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Stop Fake Organic Milk!

Stop Fake Organic Milk!

Organic milk has a better nutrient profile and fewer contaminants than conventional milk, but loopholes are allowing fraudulent “organic” milk on the market. Action Alert! The fall meeting of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) included a discussion of the Origin of Livestock rule, which has been in limbo since 2015. The rule attempts to […]

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Tell Congress & FDA: Protect Women’s Health Choices

Tell Congress & FDA: Protect Women’s Health Choices

We’re not giving up on protecting access to the compounded bioidentical hormones that millions of women rely on to stay healthy. Help us take a stand. Action Alert! As we’ve been reporting for some time, the FDA is poised to eliminate consumer access to compounded bioidentical hormones like estriol, progesterone, testosterone, and others. We’re working with our […]

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How Dangerous is COVID for Children?

How Dangerous is COVID for Children?

To what extent are our children endangered by COVID infection? Many parents understandably approached this school year with trepidation at the thought of their children returning to in-person learning during a pandemic and the rise of viral variants. A survey of the data we have thus far should provide some comfort to worried parents about […]

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Small Victory in Chemical War

Small Victory in Chemical War

After years of ANH and stakeholder advocacy, the feds are finally taking notice—but it’s not enough. Action Alert! The EPA has released a plan for tackling widespread contamination by a group of toxic industrial compounds known as Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances or PFAS, which have been found in drinking water across the country. It is […]

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