Cleaning Frenzy, Health Catastrophe?

Cleaning Frenzy, Health Catastrophe?

How the drive to clean and disinfect during COVID could be damaging our health. Action Alert! The incessant cleaning and disinfecting that has become the norm in many homes and businesses during the pandemic may not only be unnecessary, but dangerous. Chemicals found in cleaning products can adversely affect human health, including acute damage and […]

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Cronyism Blocks Another Affordable COVID Med

Cronyism Blocks Another Affordable COVID Med

Despite positive data, mainstream medicine is ignoring an affordable COVID medicine. Action Alert! The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) published a paper reviewing the evidence for ivermectin, an off-patent drug for river blindness, arguing that it has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that make it effective in the prevention and treatment of COVID. The evidence […]

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US Diet Advice Still Wrong

US Diet Advice Still Wrong

The newest Dietary Guidelines for Americans continue to get it wrong—and show how the government is undermining its own recommendations. Action Alert! The newest iteration of the government’s Dietary Guidelines repeat a number of the mistakes of previous guidelines, particularly regarding saturated fat and added sugars. The guidelines do note the importance of dietary supplements […]

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Drugs Aren’t the Answer

Drugs Aren’t the Answer

Whole Foods’ CEO says what ANH has been saying all along: the best way to transform healthcare is for Americans not to need healthcare in the first place. Action Alert! In an interview with Freakonomics Radio, Whole Foods’ CEO, John Mackey said, “The best solution is not to need healthcare. The best solution is to […]

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Court Slows Down FDA’s Homeopathy Attack

Court Slows Down FDA’s Homeopathy Attack

In a qualified victory, a federal judge ruled that the FDA may have acted improperly in upending decades of safe homeopathic regulation. Action Alert! Earlier this year, we reported on the FDA’s most recent attack against homeopathic medicines in which the agency effectively banned the sale of injectable homeopathic products. One of the companies, MediNatura, […]

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