Feds Loosen GMO Rules

Feds Loosen GMO Rules

New actions from the federal government will unleash even more genetically modified food on the public. Action Alert! President Trump recently signed an executive order to make it easier for genetically engineered (GE) plants and animals to enter the food supply. This follows a proposed rule issued early in June that loosens requirements that certain […]

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Feds Further Muddy GMO Transparency

Feds Further Muddy GMO Transparency

New actions from the federal government will unleash even more genetically modified food on the public. Action Alert! President Trump recently signed an executive order to make it easier for genetically engineered (GE) plants and animals to enter the food supply. This follows a proposed rule issued early in June that loosens requirements that certain […]

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Want to Live Longer?

Want to Live Longer?

More evidence that food is medicine! Recent work from esteemed nutrition researcher Dr. Harry Preuss (who serves on ANH-USA’s Board of Directors) demonstrates that maintaining low levels of insulin resistance is crucial to staving off chronic illnesses and other negative consequences of aging. Insulin resistance leads to excess blood glucose, more body fat, and a […]

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Carcinogens Found in Heart Drug

Carcinogens Found in Heart Drug

More evidence that the drug approval process is completely broken. A pharmacy recently alerted the FDA to the presence of a cancer-causing chemical in the popular blood-pressure drug valsartan, putting millions of patients at risk. Incredibly, this isn’t even the first time dangerous chemicals have been found in this class of drugs. Generic forms of […]

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Deadliest Drugs

Deadliest Drugs

Antipsychotics: Kids in foster care with behavior problems are being given two antipsychotic drugs at once, according to the study. The drugs include Risperdal, Seroquel, and Zyprexa (and if you want to see something terrifying, just look at the list of Zyprexa’s side effects!). The drugs were developed for schizophrenia and severe bipolar disorder. But schizophrenia […]

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Tell FDA to Make Men’s Testosterone Therapy Even Safer!

Tell FDA to Make Men’s Testosterone Therapy Even Safer!

A message from Dr. Jonathan Wright. Action Alert! Last month Green Medicine Newsletter reported about the latest FDA-financed attack1 on bio-identical hormones (“BHRT”). When people hear the initials “BHRT”, they think of hormone replacement for women, which include estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA, and often melatonin, oxytocin, and occasionally other hormones that decline with time. For […]

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