FDA’s Absurd Logic On CBD

FDA’s Absurd Logic On CBD

Hemp products have been used for hundreds of years, but FDA insists they are a new dietary ingredient. Huh? Action Alert! We’ve been monitoring the FDA’s treatment of CBD oil, a cheap, safe, and effective natural medicine for pain and other ailments. The agency has stated that CBD is not a supplement, and part of […]

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New Bill Could Help Save Natural Medicines

New Bill Could Help Save Natural Medicines

Legislation has been introduced to protect patient access to customized natural medicines. It needs our support. Action Alert! Representative Morgan Griffith (R-VA) has reintroduced a bill to ensure continued consumer access to customized natural medicines made at specialized pharmacies (known as compounding pharmacies). While other challenges remain, the Preserving Patient Access to Compounded Medications Act […]

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lorem ipsum

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many […]

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Frankenfish Coming to a Store Near You

Frankenfish Coming to a Store Near You

And you might not even realize you are serving it to your family. Action Alert! The FDA has removed the last roadblock to genetically engineered (GE) salmon hitting supermarket shelves. The GE salmon will have to follow the labeling guidelines spelled out in the GMO labeling law passed by Congress in 2016—meaning that the only […]

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Fracking Fluid Used to Irrigate Organic Crops

Fracking Fluid Used to Irrigate Organic Crops

A loophole in organic regulations means we’re eating more dangerous chemicals. Action Alert! Oil and gas wastewater is contaminating our crops—even some organic crops. Worse, we don’t even know all of the chemicals that we are eating, since the cocktails companies use in their operations are “proprietary.” We must pressure the USDA to clean up […]

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