New Danger for Small, Organic Farmers?

New Danger for Small, Organic Farmers?

Fake organics aren’t the only threat to farmers growing real food. Next year, the FDA’s new produce safety rule will go into effect. This rule is part of the suite of new regulations that came about as a result of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) that was signed into law in 2011. The produce […]

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Got Meat? Due to USDA, it Might be Rotten

Got Meat? Due to USDA, it Might be Rotten

Ranchers are suing the USDA in hopes of reinstating country of origin labeling for meat. Keep rotten meat off our plate by calling on Congress to act. Action Alert! Earlier this month, cattlemen and rancher groups sued the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) over last year’s repeal of country of origin labeling (COOL) for meat. The […]

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Coconut Oil Bad for You?

Coconut Oil Bad for You?

No. Just the opposite. Given the evidence favoring coconut oil, why is a new report from the American Heart Association (AHA) promoting this falsehood? And why is the media spreading it with headlines like “Coconut Oil Isn’t the Miracle Food You Thought It Was” and “Coconut Oil Isn’t Healthy. It’s Never Been Healthy.” None of […]

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Lying Labels, No Response

Lying Labels, No Response

Fraudulent organics are flooding US shores and coming to a grocery store near you. The USDA response: crickets. Action Alert! Earlier this year, we reported that millions of bushels of soy and corn imported to the US were fraudulently sold as organic. News reports singled out ETKO, a Turkish organic certifier, as a major source of […]

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Diet Soda: Warning Label Needed?

Diet Soda: Warning Label Needed?

Stroke and dementia too? Yes, you can add those to the health risks of diet soda consumption. Natural health advocates have known for quite some time that artificial sweeteners like aspartame are dangerous and to be avoided. They’ve been associated with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and leukemia in men. These health effects aren’t all that surprising when […]

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Nourishing Food Requires Soil

Nourishing Food Requires Soil

Help us protect real, organic food! Action Alert! You may be buying produce that was not even grown in soil. In other words, when you think you’re purchasing a nutrient-rich meal, you may be paying for produce from a process that actually denies them those very nutrients. Recently, an ANH-USA staff member ordered a salad […]

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A Real Solution to Feeding the World: Family Farms

A Real Solution to Feeding the World: Family Farms

Industry says we need conventional/GMO farming to feed the world. Here’s why they’re wrong. David Montgomery, PhD, professor of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington, recently pointed out that regenerative farming practices that restore fertility to soil will be the key to the future of agriculture. Consider these facts: Family farms produce […]

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“Pesticides OK, Despite Risks,” Says EPA

“Pesticides OK, Despite Risks,” Says EPA

Apparently, diminished brain function and reduction of children’s IQs is insufficient cause for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to overturn the approval of a chemical manufactured by one of the largest producers on the planet. The EPA recently rejected a petition to ban the use of insecticides known as chlorpyrifos on food crops—despite the agency’s […]

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