More Stealth Attacks on Integrative Doctors May Be Coming
We have to watch both the AMA and the Federation of State Medical Boards. They have a new strategy to limit your health freedom.
We have to watch both the AMA and the Federation of State Medical Boards. They have a new strategy to limit your health freedom.
A federal district judge in Virginia has ruled that one of the central provisions in President Obama’s healthcare act is unconstitutional. ANH-USA has filed an amicus brief on the same provision, but in a different jurisdiction.
As we reported last week, the IOM’s new and absurdly low vitamin D recommendation flies in the face of scientific evidence. Now we need your help to get Congress to launch an investigation.
A new report, released today by the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences, says that few people are vitamin D deficient. The scientific research says otherwise.
The Mayo Clinic has its list; we have ours. Which complementary and alternative medicine modalities are most important to you and your family?
If the Mayo Clinic’s guide is “Integrative Medicine Lite,” the genuine article is found in another new book, Nutritional Medicine by Alan R. Gaby, MD.
One nutrition organization looks to be in the pocket of Big Pharma and the worst of the junk food manufacturers. Another organization has been a more independent voice for nutrition. Guess which one is attempting to swallow the other?
Natural health diets depend completely on the honeybee. Industry money infiltrates science once again, as the likeliest culprit behind the worldwide collapse of bee colonies is revealed—and it’s not what the New York Times reported!
A new government report reveals that even though Hispanic Americans have lower income and less health insurance, they live longer than Caucasians (the most medically insured group in the US).
Search the mainstream medical journals, even search the Internet, and you won’t find this undeniably simple answer.