Who Will Lead the FDA?
Drug scandals.
Melamine was first synthesized by a German chemist in 1834, and melamine resin is used in Formica for countertops and dry erase boards as well as flame retardants. A 1958 patent described the use of melamine as a non-protein nitrogen (NPN) for cattle. Melamine is sometimes illegally added to food products in order to increase the apparent protein content. Standard tests that estimate protein levels by measuring the nitrogen content can be misled by adding nitrogen-rich compounds such as melamine.
In the October 21 issue of Pulse of Health Freedom, a number of issues regarding statin drug use were examined. Beatrice Golomb, MD, PhD, who is gathering data at www.statinsideeffects.com, has indicated there is little or no evidence to suggest that statin drugs are of benefit for women.In an important update to the story, a […]
The Institute of Medicine has issued a long-awaited government report on screening US troops for brain injury (TBI). The report calls on the military to test all new recruits for cognitive skills, then do large studies of returning combat veterans, to better evaluate for traumatic brain injury, the signature wound of the Iraq War. USA […]
A recent Wall Street Journal article told the story of a group of 600 volunteers at Emory University who underwent an exhaustive predictive health assessment in order to prescribe lifestyle changes. Emory plans to use the data to help identify areas for intervention, assigning half the participants to health coaches to determine their effectiveness. While […]
A safe, effective treatment exists for Iraq war veterans who have suffered brain injury. This treatment is called HBOT and delivers a powerful dose of oxygen to the brain.
AAHF and its project HOMECoalition.org are joining the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists and other groups in a nationwide call-in campaign to protect our access to estriol and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. The BHRT National Congressional Call-In Day will be Wednesday, Sept. 10th. Our goal is to generate thousands of […]
If you took action to tell the FDA no to banning natural B-6, you will also have found Glaxo Smith Kline’s so-called Citizen’s Petition to the FDA that would have the effect of banning weight loss supplements. As you see, Glaxo Smith Kline simply petitioned that obesity be considered a disease. But don’t be misled. […]
Report from the Trenches: Government Affairs from your Nation’s Capitol Dr. William A. Duncan, Your Lobbyist in Washington The DoD-Brain Injury Rescue & Rehabilitation Project Since January of 2007, the American Association for Health Freedom has sponsored a project to have veterans of the war treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Thank you to the […]
If you haven’t taken action yet, please do so now! We have also heard that the Wyeth is already gearing up to fight this tooth and nail. We have also learned that Wyeth is coordinating women’s groups to write letters in opposition of the resolution. We need you to help spread the word and fight Big Pharma and their controlling ties to the FDA.