Cronies Keeping Healthcare Expensive

Cronies Keeping Healthcare Expensive

Congress is working to expand telehealth access for Americans, but special interests are working to keep healthcare costs high. Action Alerts! Many Americans, particularly during this pandemic, have benefitted from expanded access to telemedicine services. There are a number of bills in Congress that seek to make permanent changes in the rules to allow more […]

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Simple Solutions to Contain COVID Costs

Simple Solutions to Contain COVID Costs

Lawmakers can help keep Americans healthy by expanding access to dietary supplements through health savings accounts. Action Alert! For years now, ANH-USA has supported expanding qualified HSA expenses to include dietary supplements. The current bill, S 4463, is sponsored by Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and allows Health Savings Account (HSA) funds to go toward dietary supplements without […]

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Home COVID Testing Blocked By FDA

Home COVID Testing Blocked By FDA

Red tape is once again preventing the deployment of tests that could get our economy back up and running. Action Alert! The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the American economy, but innovation may offer a way out: simple to use, at-home COVID-19 tests could allow businesses and schools to resume normal operations. […]

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Fauci Tees Up Big Pharma Windfall

Fauci Tees Up Big Pharma Windfall

…by saying hydroxychloroquine is useless. Action Alert! Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said recently that the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine is “not effective” for COVID-19. This would be a baffling statement if not for our crony healthcare system that prioritizes expensive patented drugs over natural medicines or […]

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Cancer Drug Swindle

Cancer Drug Swindle

Under the guise of speedier drug approvals, Big Pharma profits get a boost while public health is endangered. Action Alert! Many cancer drugs that are approved by the FDA do not have much benefit to patients. This is because approval can be based on dubious measurements of secondary benefits, referred to as “surrogate endpoints.” The FDA, with the help of Congress, […]

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FDA Turns Its Back on Women

FDA Turns Its Back on Women

FDA to ban a hormone that protects women from cancer. Action Alert! As we recently reported, the FDA is gearing up to issue a ban on compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. The newest development is a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), which falsely concluded that these critical medicines used by millions of women […]

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Feds Fire Another Shot at Homeopathy

Feds Fire Another Shot at Homeopathy

The FDA has issued its first warnings against homeopathic medicines, and this is only the beginning. Action Alert!  The FDA has sent warning letters to four companies that sell injectable homeopathic medicine because, in the agency’s view, injectable homeopathic medicines “can pose a serious risk to patient health.” This is following a bad guidance the agency is in the […]

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