May 23rd Is Our Deadline to Protect Homeopathy

May 23rd Is Our Deadline to Protect Homeopathy

We must oppose the FDA’s actions against homeopathic medicines now. Action Alert! For months now, we’ve been telling you about the FDA’s latest actions with regard to homeopathic medicines. These actions upend decades of successful regulation of these important products that have been used safely for centuries. The wording of the FDA’s draft guidance threatens all homeopathic medicines […]

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Household Products That Increase Risk From COVID

Household Products That Increase Risk From COVID

Exposure to a slew of toxic chemicals is making us sick, increasing COVID infections, and ushering in an era of male infertility. Action Alert! Exposures to every day chemicals are making us more susceptible to infection by the COVID-19 virus. Endocrine disrupting chemicals are found in food packaging, cookware, plastics, and many other consumer products. […]

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NIH’s Failing COVID Study Strategy

NIH’s Failing COVID Study Strategy

Cronyism is standing in the way of natural COVID-19 prevention. Action Alert! There are no drugs for preventing COVID-19, so the government says almost nothing about prevention except for social distancing while our economy suffers. There are many indications, however, that nutrients and lifestyle approaches can help protect us from this virus. The “problem” is that […]

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Remdesivir is NOT the COVID Silver Bullet 

Remdesivir is NOT the COVID Silver Bullet 

The new drug is being billed as the new “standard of care” for COVID-19, but only improves mortality by 3.6%. Action Alert! Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has declared that the new antiviral drug remdesivir will “be the standard of care” for COVID-19, delivering a windfall […]

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COVID Quickens Antibiotic Resistance

COVID Quickens Antibiotic Resistance

This pandemic is exacerbating a big problem, but natural alternatives are still ignored. Action Alert! Antibiotics are being widely used in hospitals around the world to treat or prevent secondary infections in COVID-19 patients. This will make the problem of antibiotic resistance much worse and lead to many deaths. Natural alternatives to treat bacterial infections […]

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Are Ventilators Killing People?

Are Ventilators Killing People?

Emerging evidence suggests they are. Action Alert! Many are now questioning the usefulness of ventilators for COVID-19 patients, suggesting they might cause more harm than good. This may be because the paradigm by which doctors are treating the disease is wrong. Simply put, hospitals around the country are operating from the assumption that COVID-19 infection […]

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Media Bungles COVID-19 Prevention

Media Bungles COVID-19 Prevention

…by once again telling us supplements are useless. This irresponsible reporting has to stop. Action Alert! Mainstream media outlets have come out swinging at the idea that supplements can help you during the COVID-19 pandemic. The takeaway from these articles is that there isn’t anything we can do to protect ourselves until a pharmaceutical intervention […]

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