Making CAFOs a Thing of the Past

Making CAFOs a Thing of the Past

A new bill seeks to change the way animals are raised in the US. It needs our support. Action Alert! The Farm System Reform Act addresses a number of concerns we at ANH-USA have been writing about for years. The meat industry in the United States is dominated by a few large companies that demand […]

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Dr. Google Has Your Health Data

Dr. Google Has Your Health Data

Google is partnering with one of the largest hospital systems to collect, store, and analyze our health data. What could go wrong? Action Alert! Google is partnering with Ascension, which operates 150 hospitals in 20 states, and could eventually upload all patient data to their cloud computing platform, according to news reports. Given Google’s breaches […]

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Pharma Piracy Threatens Brain Health Supplement

Pharma Piracy Threatens Brain Health Supplement

The FDA is complicit in turning another supplement into an expensive drug. Action Alert! Earlier this year, the FDA fired off warning letters to seventeen companies that, in the agency’s view, were illegally marketing supplements to treat Alzheimer’s disease. One of the supplements targeted in the FDA’s action was piracetam, a derivative of GABA, continuing an […]

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“Flying Blind” with 5G

“Flying Blind” with 5G

Scientists are speaking out about the dangers of 5G, but government agencies are showing no signs of listening. Action Alert! Over the past months, we’ve been documenting the issues surrounding the launch of 5G networks. As we edge closer and closer to a wider rollout of this technology, more information is coming to light demonstrating […]

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New Hope for Alzheimer’s

New Hope for Alzheimer’s

Emerging research underscores the critical need to protect compounded bioidentical hormones. Action Alert! Almost six million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, and it is projected to afflict many more in coming years. Big Pharma has been unable to produce drugs that treat this debilitating disease. New research, however, is suggesting that Alzheimer’s is more complex […]

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Supreme Court Denies Pharma Fish Oil Monopoly

Supreme Court Denies Pharma Fish Oil Monopoly

Amarin wanted an import ban on certain fish oil supplements. In a win for consumer access to natural products, the Supreme Court has denied Amarin’s final petition for appeal in the company’s effort to corner the market on fish oil. In 2017, Amarin asked the US International Trade Commission (ITC) to ban the importation of omega-3 dietary […]

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FDA Renews Attack on Homeopathy

FDA Renews Attack on Homeopathy

The agency is doubling down on a bad guidance that endangers access to important medicines. Action Alert! Recently, the FDA announced the withdrawal of Compliance Policy Guide 400.400, a document that had been in place since 1988 and which established the agency’s enforcement policies regarding homeopathic medicines. In its place, the FDA has issued a […]

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“Approved” “Hormone Therapy” For Women is Mostly Not Bio-Identical, is “One-Size-Fits-All,” and Not Safe for Use

“Approved” “Hormone Therapy” For Women is Mostly Not Bio-Identical, is “One-Size-Fits-All,” and Not Safe for Use

The following article is by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright. The original article appears in the November 2019 issue of the Green Medicine Newsletter. Action Alert! The September 24th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (“JAMA”) reprinted[1] an article originally published in The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics which told us about the […]

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