Is Conventional Medicine the Biggest Killer in U.S.?

Is Conventional Medicine the Biggest Killer in U.S.?

A new analysis from the British Medical Journal found that one in twenty patients experience preventable harm in medical care settings. The authors point out that patient harm in healthcare is a “leading cause of morbidity and mortality internationally.” We’ve been saying this for quite some time, and even these troubling numbers might be understating […]

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Hormones: The Fight Continues

Hormones: The Fight Continues

Help us defend bioidentical hormone replacement therapy from an FDA ban. Action Alert! We at ANH-USA have been keeping a close watch over the FDA’s ongoing process to regulate customized, natural medicines made at compounding pharmacies. Time and time again throughout this process, we’ve seen the FDA ban safe, natural ingredients from being used in […]

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HSA Upgrade

HSA Upgrade

Help us fight for expanded Health Savings accounts. Action Alert! For many years, ANH-USA has supported efforts that would allow Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Saving Account (FSA) funds to pay for dietary supplements. Federal bills including this reform have been introduced in 2011, 2013, 2017, and 2019, but have not yet passed. Congressman […]

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More Local Control Over 5G

More Local Control Over 5G

New legislation will help communities control how 5G gets implemented. Action Alert! New bills in the House and Senate will roll back FCC regulations that prevent local communities from having input over how 5G networks get installed in their towns. We must encourage our elected officials to support this legislation, and more importantly, urge them […]

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Will the FDA Close Your Pharmacy?

Will the FDA Close Your Pharmacy?

It may come to that if a key policy isn’t changed. Action Alert! As part of its effort to implement the Drug Quality and Security Act of 2013, the FDA issued a revision of a bad policy that will limit the amount of medicines compounding pharmacies can send out of state. The revision offers some […]

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FDA Allows Carcinogens In Popular Drugs

FDA Allows Carcinogens In Popular Drugs

More evidence that the drug approval process is completely broken. A pharmacy recently alerted the FDA to the presence of a cancer-causing chemical in the popular blood-pressure drug valsartan, putting millions of patients at risk. Incredibly, this isn’t even the first time dangerous chemicals have been found in this class of drugs. Generic forms of […]

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FDA Can’t Be Trusted on CBD

FDA Can’t Be Trusted on CBD

A Senate committee has approved language on CBD that will not protect consumer access to CBD supplements. Action Alert! Two weeks ago, we reported on efforts to preserve consumer access to therapeutic levels of CBD oil in supplements. The US Senate Appropriations Committee has approved report language for FY 2020 that falls far short of protecting […]

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