FDA Allows Final Phase Review of Dr. Burzynski’s Lifesaving Brain Cancer Treatment to Proceed
This also means that additional patients will receive the treatment while it is being studied.
This also means that additional patients will receive the treatment while it is being studied.
Isn’t rotting meat and pizza as a vegetable bad enough? Do kids have to have a big dose of mercury too? Action Alert!
Will oxygen treatment finally be allowed by the government?
The FDA’s obesity “logic” hurts Americans—and endangers supplements. Action Alert!
Last week’s Supreme Court ruling shows how federal agencies harass small food and supplement companies on labeling and advertising, but let industry favorites ignore or stretch the same rules. Action Alert!
Is this in part a pay-off to Big Pharma for campaign support?
But it’s just a mirror for our own government’s “addiction” to prescription drugs and the drug industry. Is your physician taking kickbacks too?
We should look deeply into the mirror that the GSK/China scandal has provided for the US—what we see isn’t very pretty.
Special interests may soon dictate what Internet content you are able to access. Action Alert!