Parkinson’s, Paraquat and Produce

Parkinson’s, Paraquat and Produce

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is deciding whether to ban paraquat, a dangerous herbicide. Let’s make sure they do. Action Alert! The EPA is asking for public comment on its human health and ecological risk assessment for paraquat, a dangerous herbicide that is linked with Parkinson’s Disease. We must demand that the EPA ban this […]

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Children’s Food Doused with Carcinogen

Children’s Food Doused with Carcinogen

We are, quite literally, poisoning our kids. Action Alert! Testing of children’s breakfast cereals from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has found that major brands, such as General Mills’ Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios, are contaminated with high levels of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto/Bayer’s Roundup herbicide. These results provide more evidence to support […]

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More Local Control Over 5G

More Local Control Over 5G

New legislation will help communities control how 5G gets implemented. Action Alert! New bills in the House and Senate will roll back FCC regulations that prevent local communities from having input over how 5G networks get installed in their towns. We must encourage our elected officials to support this legislation, and more importantly, urge them […]

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Frankenmosquitoes on the Loose in Brazil

Frankenmosquitoes on the Loose in Brazil

…and Biotech’s experiment becomes our disaster. Action Alert! In 2013, a British biotech company, Oxitec, unleased nearly half a million genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil in an attempt to reduce mosquito-borne diseases. But the experiment has not gone to plan, according to a new paper: the experiment has resulted in the unintended contamination of the […]

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Moms Across America— Setting a Gold Standard

Moms Across America— Setting a Gold Standard

Moms Across America’s new food and supplement certification will help consumers choose products from companies that are committed to the goals of the natural health movement. Action Alert! Our friends at Moms Across America have launched an exciting project called the Gold Standard. This standard will allow consumers to support companies that have core beliefs […]

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What Makes the “Impossible Burger” Possible?

What Makes the “Impossible Burger” Possible?

Behind the approval of the plant-based burger that will be hitting store shelves soon. Action Alert! Plant-based meat products seem to be all the rage. They are billed as a healthier, more environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional meat, and the fad is catching on. Fast-food giant Burger King has announced the “Impossible Whopper,” a meatless version […]

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Fluoride Dangers: New Evidence

Fluoride Dangers: New Evidence

When will it be enough to convince policymakers to change course? Action Alert! A new study published in JAMA Pediatrics has linked fluoride exposure with lower IQ. This is the latest in a long line of studies demonstrating the dangers of water fluoridation, but policymakers are still refusing to act. The study found that women […]

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