Zen Honeycutt

Zen Honeycutt

Zen Honeycutt, executive director of Moms Across America, gives an overview of the vast damage being caused by glyphosate on human health and the environment. She details the importance of going organic and provides ways to get involved in the fight against this dangerous chemical. FULL INTERVIEW:

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Pregnant? Avoid Glyphosate

Pregnant? Avoid Glyphosate

New research shows a strong link between glyphosate levels in bodily fluids of expectant mothers and unfavorable birth outcomes, including shorter pregnancies. Babies born from mothers with glyphosate in their system tended to weigh less. It’s also linked to many chronic health issues like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. Glyphosate exposure occurs […]

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EPA Ignores Fluoride Warnings

EPA Ignores Fluoride Warnings

When presented with evidence that fluoride is linked to the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and lower IQs, the Environmental Protection Agency essentially said, “We don’t care.” This occurred when the agency responded to a petition filed by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), Food & Water Watch, and others, asking the agency to […]

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Chemicals Making us Sterile, Dumber

Chemicals Making us Sterile, Dumber

Over the last seventy-five years, men have seen a sharp reduction in reproductive capacity, and evidence suggests that commonly found chemicals are to blame. If that news isn’t stark enough for the future of humankind, these chemicals are also making us dumber. A recent piece in the New York Times drew attention to an important […]

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EPA: Carcinogens Are OK with Us

EPA: Carcinogens Are OK with Us

Recently unsealed court documents show that the EPA is more focused on protecting big business than on protecting Americans from cancer. A group of citizens found this out the hard way when their lawsuit (the People vs. Monsanto, claiming that glyphosate caused their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) was undermined by officials at the Environmental Protection Agency. The […]

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Reduce Your Risk of Stroke, Starting Now!

Reduce Your Risk of Stroke, Starting Now!

Learn how to reduce your risk of stroke by donating blood to reduce blood viscosity and strengthening blood vessels with vitamins and minerals Remember, too, to eat those fruits and veggies! You probably know someone who’s had a stroke. Wheelchair-bound or walking with difficulty, not able to use an arm or a leg or both, […]

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What the Government Has Done to Physicians

What the Government Has Done to Physicians

Federal bureaucracy is turning your physician into roboticized “healthcare providers.” Do you want your doctor to be your doctor because she or he really wants to help you and other people, or because “it’s a job”? Since the start of “third-party medicine”—otherwise known as “healthcare insurance”—the physician-patient relationship has been destroyed, at first slowly, and […]

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When is a GMO not a GMO?

When is a GMO not a GMO?

More parlor tricks are ahead for your salad. Researchers are working on a more flavorful tomato through gene-isolating technology. This is not the introduction of genes from another species, as was the case with the GMO Flavr-Savr tomato, but neither is it traditional plant breeding. If you are old enough, you will recall that tomatoes […]

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