Stop Agency Abuse of Power

Stop Agency Abuse of Power

For too long, federal agencies like the FDA have shirked democratic responsibilities and ignored the law, allowing them to inject themselves into our lives without any accountability—it’s time for it to stop. Action Alert! We are increasingly subject to rules and decrees that are undemocratically (and perhaps illegally) issued from federal agencies like the Food […]

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FDA Raising Our Blood Pressure

FDA Raising Our Blood Pressure

The FDA accepted a health claim for magnesium, but somehow still manages to censor information on this critical nutrient. Action Alert! Earlier this month, the FDA announced it will allow a health claim regarding magnesium and hypertension. The agency admits there is scientific support that magnesium helps with high blood pressure…but the evidence is “inconsistent […]

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Better Vax Injury Tracking System Ignored; Why?

Better Vax Injury Tracking System Ignored; Why?

The government’s method of tracking vaccine injuries could be missing as many as 99 percent of injuries. This is unacceptable. Action Alert! The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is completely broken, with a report showing that VAERS misses 99 percent of vaccine injuries. A project funded by the Department of Health and Human […]

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Breakthrough COVID Nasal Spray Blocked

Breakthrough COVID Nasal Spray Blocked

Data show a simple nasal spray can neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 virus and help alleviate symptoms of COVID disease, but the feds block any mention of these benefits. The FDA and the FTC have sent warning letters to at least five companies marketing a wide range of antiseptic nasal sprays containing xylitol, saline, povidone-iodine, or some […]

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Can We Trust Pfizer Vaccine Data?

Can We Trust Pfizer Vaccine Data?

Whistleblowers sound the alarm about critical data integrity issues from a company that ran Pfizer’s vaccine trial. A stunning report from the prestigious British Medical Journal details a whistleblower’s account of data integrity issues in Pfizer’s pivotal Phase III trial for its COVID vaccine. Both Pfizer and the FDA were informed of these issues, but […]

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Supplement Censorship Undermines COVID Fight

Supplement Censorship Undermines COVID Fight

New science says supplements can help with COVID-19, but the feds say you’re not allowed to learn about it. Action Alert! Stunning new studies demonstrate how supplements can improve COVID-19 outcomes. This adds to existing research on a variety of natural compounds showing the plausibility of using supplements to prevent or treat COVID-19. Yet, as […]

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How Dangerous is COVID for Children?

How Dangerous is COVID for Children?

To what extent are our children endangered by COVID infection? Many parents understandably approached this school year with trepidation at the thought of their children returning to in-person learning during a pandemic and the rise of viral variants. A survey of the data we have thus far should provide some comfort to worried parents about […]

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