Countries all over the world are banning atrazine. The US just keeps spraying.

Countries all over the world are banning atrazine. The US just keeps spraying.

From Environmental Health News By Nathan Donley Independent scientists have long understood the unacceptable health risks of the pesticide atrazine. A trove of well-documented research has linked the endocrine-disrupting weedkiller to birth defects, low sperm counts, and fertility problems. So, it’s not surprising that the herbicide notorious for sticking around on landscapes and waterways long […]

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Multivitamins Help Memory and Cognition

Multivitamins Help Memory and Cognition

It turns out multivitamin supplements aren’t “useless” after all! Who knew! A placebo-controlled study of 1,732 people who took Centrum Silver once daily for three years showed that it modestly slowed memory and cognition decline. This effect was strongest among participants with pre-existing cardiovascular disease. The researchers suggested this was likely because these patients are […]

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The Unequal Burden of Air Pollution

The Unequal Burden of Air Pollution

From the Environmental Defense Fund 500 trucks pass through one Newark intersection in an hour. Kids are paying the price. Air pollution has decreased in the U.S. over the past decade — but not everyone is breathing easier.  People of color, regardless of income, are exposed to higher levels of air pollution than the U.S. population as […]

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Organic Chicken Fraud

Organic Chicken Fraud

While pretending to score a victory for real organic eggs and poultry, a new rule is just another gift to industrialized farms that are running regenerative farms out of business. Action Alert! The USDA’s rule, known as the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards rule, is being applauded by some because it would set standards for […]

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PFAS: The latest toxic concern for those near fracking

PFAS: The latest toxic concern for those near fracking

From Environmental Health News For more than a decade, Bryan Latkanich has discussed his concerns about fracking chemicals contaminating the water and air near his home with anyone who would listen. Latkanich is a resident of Washington County, Pennsylvania, one of the state’s most heavily fracked regions. In 2020, an Environmental Health News investigation found evidence that […]

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Quenching the Flames of Disease- Health from the Ground Up #6

Quenching the Flames of Disease- Health from the Ground Up #6

We’ve written many times about the chronic disease epidemic that is ravaging this country—but did you know that, of the ten leading causes of death in the US, chronic, low-level inflammation contributes to the development of seven of those diseases (heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease, Alzheimer’s diabetes, and nephritis)? Low-grade inflammation isn’t something a conventional […]

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The Onslaught of Genetic Engineering 2.0

The Onslaught of Genetic Engineering 2.0

From Organic Consumers Association Over the past 30 years OCA and our allies across the world have fought hard against gene-spliced GMO foods and crops and the toxic pesticides and chemicals that always accompany them, exposing their dangers, limiting their market share, and in some countries bringing about mandatory bans (Mexico) and/or labeling and safety-testing. […]

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Are Organic Hair Dyes Safer?

Are Organic Hair Dyes Safer?

There are a variety of products claiming to be “cleaner” than conventional hair dyes, but are they actually safer? Somewhere between 66-74 percent of women use hair-coloring products. Many companies began offering “organic” products as concerns about the toxicity of some of the chemicals used in permanent or semi-permanent hair dyes rose… This gives consumers […]

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