To Salt or Not to Salt…

To Salt or Not to Salt…

From Ron Hoffman, MD, ANH-USA Board President and Medical Director It’s pretty standard nutrition advice that limiting sodium consumption is a good thing. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans urge adults to not exceed 2300 milligrams of sodium per day, equivalent to one teaspoon of salt. Americans consume on average, upwards of 3500 milligrams per day, […]

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PFAS Action Now!

PFAS Action Now!

The EPA released a progress report on its efforts to tackle the widespread contamination of our world with dangerous PFAS “forever” chemicals. While there have been positive steps, the overall impression left by this report is that we need to do much, much more to protect our health. Action Alert! PFAS “forever” chemicals are a […]

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Are Any of These New Year’s Challenges Right for You?

Are Any of These New Year’s Challenges Right for You?

From Ron Hoffman, MD, ANH-USA Board President and Medical Director January is named after Janus, the Roman two-faced god, “the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings.” In classic depictions, Janus simultaneously looks backward and forward. In the quiet of winter, it’s a great time to reflect and recalibrate. January is […]

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ANH Masterclass — Radical and Raw Natural Health

ANH Masterclass — Radical and Raw Natural Health

From ANH International By Rob Verkerk PhDFounder, executive and scientific director, ANH International; executive and scientific director, ANH-USA I’d have to rate last Friday as among the most enjoyable and fulfilling educational events I’ve ever attended. The fact that it was organized by ANH, that I was hosting it, and even that I was one […]

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EPA Refuses to Make Pesticides Safer

EPA Refuses to Make Pesticides Safer

The EPA has denied a Citizen’s Petition asking the agency to regulate “inert” pesticide ingredients that can be just as toxic to humans and the environment as the active ingredient. Action Alert! The Petition, submitted by the Center for Food Safety, called on the EPA to do more to assess the risks of pesticides to […]

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Biodiversity Credits: Profiting from Nature’s Last Frontier

Biodiversity Credits: Profiting from Nature’s Last Frontier

From ANH-International By Rob Verkerk PhD1 and Paraschiva Florescu2 1 Founder, Alliance for Natural Health; executive & scientific director, ANH Intl and USA2 Mission Facilitator, ANH Intl Nature is indeed in crisis, a crisis of survival. And it’s not all about climate change. Over 200 leading health journals are calling for world leaders to recognise that the primary threat to […]

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Get Toxics Out of Food Packaging

Get Toxics Out of Food Packaging

A bill in Congress would ban perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and other dangerous chemicals from food packaging that presents a major route of exposure for millions of Americans. It needs our support. Action Alert! The No Toxics in Food Packaging Act of 2023 would ban the use of five chemicals or classes of chemicals […]

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