Adverse Event Reporting—New FDA Report Puts Things in Perspective

Research published in the October 2008 issue of Pediatrics says that some of free prescription drug samples being distributed to pediatric patients may be unsafe. The researchers found that one in twenty American children received free drug samples in 2004—and that the most frequently distributed samples were unsafe to children. Four of the 15 most […]

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Surviving Cardiac Arrest May Depend on Where You Live

Conventional Medicine Ignores the Science behind Preventing Sudden Cardiac Death with Fish Oil The U.S. has waged a five-decade war on heart disease thanks to the information gleaned  from the Framingham Study and the studies that followed it. That war has been dominated by the use of prescription drugs, surgery, and procedures that include angioplasty […]

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Estriol Congressional Call-In Day – September 10th!

AAHF and its project are joining the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists and other groups in a nationwide call-in campaign to protect our access to estriol and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. The BHRT National Congressional Call-In Day will be Wednesday, Sept. 10th. Our goal is to generate thousands of […]

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