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Dangers of Bisphenol A/BPA Well-Established

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Three recent studies fuel criticism already scorching the FDA for its failure to respond to the petition by AAHF/ANH-USA regarding exposure of children to bisphenol A/BPA. Research by the University of Rochester, published in the Journal of Andrology, found that males exposed to phthalates — found in dental sealants, composite fillings, soft plastic water bottles, baby bottles, vinyl flooring and PVC shower curtains — suffer a reduction in testosterone, feminizing their behavior. Male babies exposed to high levels of these chemicals, used to soften plastic, are much less likely to play typical boys’ games as they mature.

A study funded by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health found that Chinese factory workers exposed to huge amounts of BPA have significant risk of increased sexual dysfunction. The five-year study, the first designed specifically to test the effects of BPA on humans, discovered that workers exposed to BPA had four times the risk of erectile dysfunction and seven times the risk of ejaculation difficulty.
Consumer Reports funded a study confirming that BPA leaches into the food in nearly all metal containers (these cans are lined in soft plastic), even those cans marked “BPA-free” or “Organic.”
The FDA, which earlier had declared BPA safe for all uses, is now reconsidering. A new recommendation is expected as early as Dec.1, 2009.

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