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Victory! Sen. Durbin’s Anti-Supplement Amendment DEFEATED!

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victoryNatural health advocates spoke out in huge numbers—and we won! Our readers sent nearly 90,000 messages in less than 24 hours, and Congress heard you. Sen. Durbin’s anti-supplement amendment was soundly defeated today, by a vote of 77 to 20.

ANH-USA would like to extend special thanks to all the allied organizations and friends who forwarded our emergency alert to their own lists. Without your help, we may not have been able to stop the amendment dead in its tracks.
This was an important win. If Sen. Durbin’s last-minute, under-the-radar amendment had passed, our access to vitamin and dietary supplements would have been drastically curtailed due to a litany of unexpected and unnecessary new regulations. A big thanks to Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Tom Harkin (D-IA) for standing with us.

Durbin’s failed amendment serves as another reminder that our freedoms need to be preserved. Freedom of access to our own healthcare choices may be under threat, but today we won—thanks to YOU!
You can send a message to your Senators expressing your appreciation for the amendment’s defeat and asking them to continue protecting access to dietary supplements by clicking here.

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