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Final Hour for GMO Legislation

Final Hour for GMO Legislation
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At any minute the worst GMO bill could pass the Senate. Please contact your senators IMMEDIATELY!  Urgent Action Alert!
Recently we told you about a new bill from Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) that would make the labeling of genetically modified foods voluntary. This bill is seemingly on the fast track—it was approved by the Senate Agriculture Committee earlier this month and is set to be voted on TODAY by the entire Senate.
If approved, this bill would preempt states that have passed mandatory GMO labeling laws like Vermont’s. This is the reason the bill has been moving so fast—biotech and their friends in Congress want a voluntary labeling bill before these laws go into effect.
The only way to stop this is to flood Congress with messages from constituents. If you have the time, a short phone call is the best way to register your outrage and to urge your senators to oppose this terrible legislation. Click here for the Senate directory, call into the office, and leave a message at your senators’ front desks telling them that consumers have a right to know what is in their food.
You can also click the button below to send an email to your senators.
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